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Loop Closure


Loop Closure is an immediate follow-up action on the customer feedback to improve their overall experience with the brand and effectively closing the feedback loop. It is like a remedial experience which can help prevent the loyal & existing customers from going away to the competitor brands.

When loop closure is set-up in the WXM platform, it helps create follow-up tickets automatically after the unhappy customers leave negative feedback. This provides an opportunity to resolve the complaints and keep them loyal to the brand. It is not just about stopping the unhappy customers from becoming detractors but it is equally important to follow-up with the passive customers and turn them into brand promoters.

It is imperative for every brand or organization to be able to handle the customer complaints right the first time.

Components of Loop Closure system

The main components required to set-up Loop Closure in the platform are:


To view the tickets, go to Spaces > Response & Loop Closure Tab > Tickets as shown below


Different Views & Filters

List/Tabular View: All the tickets can be seen in a compact view mode. The tickets and the related information are shown in a column-based format and is very useful to make quick updates to the tickets like changing action, assigning the ticket to another user or department or changing the status from open to pending etc. The details consist of two sections: Default fields: Standard details that cannot be configured


Card-based View: This is like Email inbox view where tickets are present in the left and details appear in the center. In the card-based view you can see the details segregated into different sections like:


Quick Filters

To apply the ticket filters, click on the funnel icon on the right-hand side as shown below. Quick filters let you apply filters based on Priority (Low, Medium, High, Urgent, etc.), Status (Open, Pending & Closed, etc.), Action (Assign, Resolved, Respond, Call, etc.) & All Filters.

Ticket Quick filters work along with Data Filters which can be set across different questionnaires and other question attributes etc.

![/Loop_Closure/step4.png](/Loop_Closure/Loop_Closure_TicketsQuick Filters04.png)


Ticket Priority is an attribute that establishes the degree of severity that should to be given to the ticket. Standard Priority levels that are configured in the system are:



The different stages show the lifecycle of a ticket that it travels through. The ticket’s status is important this explains that whether the customer’s complaint is addressed or not with proper reasons.

The ticket statuses can be configured based on the requirements which can be used by the loop closure team to filter the tickets at any point in time. Few commonly used tickets statues are:



Ticket actions save time a lot of time for the loop closure team users as it ensures that all processes for the Ticket to close are completed accordingly. The ticket actions can be configured based on the requirements. Few of the actions that are commonly used are Assigned, Resolved, Unresolved, etc. Ticket actions ensure that the ticket owners provide a valid root cause before updating the ticket action. This is very helpful for keeping a track of unresolved issues.


All filters

If you want to apply multiple filter combinations together then you can do so in ‘All Filters’ window. Once you have selected the desired filters press ‘Apply Filters’ button at the bottom right as shown below.

For instance, it can help to see all unresolved tickets with Urgent priority which have already been escalated and outside the SLA, assigned to User A. This will empowers the team leaders to focus on the tickets which are still unaddressed by the agents and need immediate attention.


Clear Filters

To remove the filters, click on the funnel icon and press ‘Clear All’


Ticket Details & Assignment

Additionally, each ticket is divided into 3 sections. They are:


In the Response section, you will see the response details like Anchor Metric (NPS) scores along with the Customer Name and date/time of the response received.

Response section is further divided into 4 main parts, namely:


Ticket Info

This section provides information related to the ticket like:



Ticket Timeline

This shows the complete audit trail/history of the communication done. Any supporting notes which user writes to close the ticket or track the progress of the ticket is recorded here with date and timestamp.


Updating Tickets

To update the tickets, open the respective ticket in detail view as shown below. Updating Ticket Actions Under the Ticket Actions section on the right-hand side you can change the Priority, Status and Action of the ticket.

You can reopen a Closed ticket


Once you change anything in the ticket, the system shows a success prompt of the updated change


Additional Response Actions

There are few additional actions which are placed on the top of the response action panel as shown below.

![/Loop_Closure/Loop_Closure_TicketActions Additional16.png](/Loop_Closure/Loop_Closure_TicketActions Additional16.png)

Open in New tab

Clicking on Open in New tab icon helps open the selected ticket in a separate window and as below. This helps to focus on that one ticket and see all the details only pertaining to that ticket.



Ticket URL

There are two ways by which you can share the ticket details with other users.

Copy URL to Clipboard

By clicking on this icon, a loop closure team user can copy the ticket URL and share it with the relevant team members from whom they are seeking support to address the customer concerns. Example URL:

The benefit of sharing this ticket URL is that the user with whom this URL shared that user can simply click on this link and it will automatically direct to the relevant ticket and open the ticket details. This avoids wasting time searching for the ticket.


Only the WXM user can open this URL. If the user is not logged in into the platform then system will prompt the user to login in the system and the moment the user enters the valid credentials the ticket details open up.

Share via Email

When you click on Share via Email icon, it opens in your email platform (Outlook etc.) in draft mode as shown below. When the recipient user/users receive this email, clicking on this link and it will automatically direct and open the relevant ticket details.



Add Notes

You can also add notes as shown below and along with that enclose any attachments like pdf or excel files. Press ‘Add Note’ to save the notes in the timeline section.


Assign to User/Department

To assign ticket to the user in a different department click on User/Department > Select the relevant department from the list

In instances the concern due to which the ticket is created is due to another department and cannot be addressed by the department users who have been assigned that ticket. For e.g.: Ticket is received by the Contact Centre that the Broadband connectivity is too intermittent but this issue can only be resolved by the Technical Department. So in this case the agent can assign the ticket to the concerned technician of the technical department.


Once you select the department then select to which user you would like to assign this ticket to from the list of users.


Tickets Report

To download the Tickets Excel Report with all relevant details and communication history (Notes, Timeline etc.) click on the cloud icon.


Automatic Notifications

By enabling the notifications from profile settings, you can receive the ticket email alerts automatically on Ticket & Action status change. For instance, the ticket status is changed from Pending to Closed then you will receive an email alert.

This needs to enabled at the sub-user profile level
/Loop_Closure/Loop_Closure_TicketAutoNotifications23a.png /Loop_Closure/Loop_Closure_TicketAutoNotifications23b.png