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Questionnaire Builder


A questionnaire is a research method that comprises of survey questions that help collect the data from respondents. There are different ways by which this data can be gathered like face to face, Email, SMS, etc. Questionnaires is also one of the cheapest and fastest way to measure the attitudes, behaviour, preferences, intentions and opinions of fairly large sample of respondents.

Survey helps us gauge customer satisfaction levels on what they feel/think about our brand or understand employee feelings on current work culture and their expectations from the organization.

A questionnaire can have both open-ended or closed-ended questions. This is useful to collect both quantitative and qualitative data.

WXM offers an easy to use web-based module for building unlimited online survey questionnaires in multiple languages with an interactive survey design.

Configure Questionnaire

To create a questionnaire go to CX Setup > Questionnaire Builder.

Then click on ‘Create New’ button on the top right as shown below


A new window will pop up as shown above. Enter the Questionnaire name, which is mandatory, and select languages from the drop-down in which the surveys should be available to the respondents and then press ‘Create’ button

Questionnaire naming convention is important as that will help the users since it appears in filters and other sections in the platform. It will also help understand as to what is the questionnaire survey about. For instance; Website experience, Dinning Experience, etc.

The platform also supports multiple languages that help you to run a survey in different languages which is easy for the respondents to understand. For e.g.: for Thai customers you can have the survey configured in Thai language as shown.



The WXM platform supports surveys in 38 languages. Upon selecting language(s), places holders are created for translated text to be pasted. The platform does not translate the text automatically, it needs to be translated and pasted.

Once you click on create button the questionnaire configuration window will open where you can add the different types of survey questions and do other settings.

Welcome Note The first screen is the “Welcome Screen” as shown below.This is the landing screen for your customers and can be used to write a warm & welcoming message on this screen to invite them to take the survey and provide you their valuable feedback!


Text Color Select the Text Color from the palette or enter the HEX Code. The survey text will appear in the selected text color. For example: The hex code for white is #FFFFFF.


Screen Layout

The Questionnaire Builder screen is divided into 3 sections namely:


In the preview section you can visualize the survey questionnaire flow in default and other languages in which you have configured by clicking on the drop-down of language as shown below.


Once you choose the language the questions will start showing up in the selected language as shown below.



Supported Question Types

You can add many different types of questions in the questionnaire. All the options are listed with each question when you ‘add’ a new question on left pane as shown below.

Types of questions that are supported in the platform are:

CX Anchor Metric Questions

The CX anchor metric questions like Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), and Customer Effort Score (CES) are used to measure customer experience and satisfaction at various key touchpoints or all points of contact with your brand.

Rating questions

Rating questions are used to quantify user opinions or sentiment. These questions also give a quick overview of what the respondent thinks about your products and services. These questions are grouped into Smiley, 5-Star, Scale or Slider as shown below








To add Slider question click on ‘Add Question’ in the left panel as shown below. Select the ‘Rating’ type questions from the selection and then choose Slider from the list as shown in the screenshot above.


Multi Choice


You can choose the following options as shown below:


Text Entry

File Upload

This question type is useful Get user testimonials from multimedia channels. It provides platform for users/respondents to upload audio, video, images and documents. Another use case is for instance; Customers can share their Restroom cleanliness experience in a movie theatre by clicking and uploading the pictures.

To add a File Upload question type click on ‘Add Question’ in the left panel as shown below. Select the ‘File Upload’ question type from the selection as shown in the screenshot below.


For ‘File Upload’ question type you can add the display note and question text as shown below.

You can also choose the ‘Allowed File Types’ which respondents can upload like:


Rank by Order

The Rank by Order question allows the respondents to order the answer options as per their preference and understand the order of importance of items when there are multiple items i.e. Ranking/ordering certain aspects of product/experience against each other. Ranking/ordering based on value/importance

For this question, respondents can drag and drop the answer choices to re-order them as they choose. It gives complete freedom to the respondent to arrange the answer choices to best suit their preference.

This will help the brand to understand what their customers are liking the most of the 4 types of coke variants.

Drag and drop is the most interactive of all the question types in the survey questionnaire.

To add a Rank by Order question type click on ‘Add Question’ in the left panel as shown below. Select the ‘Rank by Order’ question type from the selection as shown in the screenshot below.


For ‘Rank by Order’ question type you can add the display note and question text as shown below.

Add the Answer Options for the Rank by Order question type. You can choose to have various options similar to Single or Multi select question type like Text, Icons or Custom.




Prefill Data is Pre-populated date. It saves the respondents time and effort by pre-populating the survey with details you already know about them, like name, email, phone number, age, gender, marital status, address, etc.

Prefill data makes the surveys shorter so respondents are more likely to complete the survey. These details are hidden for the respondents but get displayed in reports. The prefilled data helps you to quantify data from qualitative responses to have valuable insights.

Inorder to make a question prefill for instance, if you want to make the ‘Customer ID’ prefill so that the respondent does not have to enter each time they answering the survey then you can toggle on ‘Filled by Staff’ under Question Settings as shown below.


To pre-fill this question response using customer data while sending invites, add column header names as shown against which the data will appear in the data file.



Cloning is a feature available to eliminate duplication of data. Multiple questionnaires tend to use questions that already exists in the system in a different questionnaire. This is where cloning becomes powerful. Cloned questions ensure that responses are collected from different questionnaires towards a single data point. This allows better data aggregation and analytics in Spaces.

You may also choose to clone an entire questionnaire or only specific questions. When cloned, question type, condition and conditional text gets cloned. For example: question types such as NPS, CES, CSAT, Name, Email, User Comments etc can be cloned. This is help to visualise as to what is overall brand NPS or brand CSAT across all touch points. It is safe to assume that if there is a question type where the data point is expected to roll up globally across questionnaires, they would be cloned.

Any change in the cloned question (Edit Original) will reflect across all questionnaires wherever that question is used but you can add display logic, conditional text, mark the question mandatory without affecting other questionnaires.

To apply cloning when you add a questionnaire the system will prompt you that whether you want to clone the question or not. This will only be available for questions which are there in other questionnaires.


Press ‘Clone’ as shown.


To view where this question is used click on ‘View details’. It will show you list of questionnaires where all this question has been used as shown.



Question Options & Settings

Content Settings

All settings related to the possible answers for a question type. These settings appear while editing the answer options.


Display Name Display name is the mandatory field. This helps with the overall hygiene of the account. Long question texts can get quite messy while viewing insights or reports as the text would occupy too much space and intrude into fruitful viewing of data. This is more like a nickname for a question. Simply set a Display name (short name) and this would replace the question text across all the dashboard and reports. This wouldn’t disturb the survey however to the end customer and would display the entire question text.


Question Question text is where you can type in the full question which you would like to ask the respondent.


Colored Scale


Gradient Scale


Neutral Scale




Horizontal Inverted



You can add Page Breaks for the whole questionnaire or selective questions as shown below.

For questionnaire page breaks go to Questionnaire Settings and toggle on ‘Allow Page Breaks in Between Questions’ as shown below.


For adding page breaks after the questions (for selective questions) go to Content Settings and toggle on ‘Allow Page Breaks After this Question’ shown below.






Question Settings

Filled by Staff Filled by Staff is the pre-populated information. Once enabled, the specific question would be expected to be either filled by a staff if the survey is being run on the Feedback application or provide the information as prefills while creating surveys for customers if the survey is administered over channels such as SMS, email, micro survey etc. Filled by staff may also have a different value set across different questionnaires sharing this question. You can change this setting across all questionnaires.


Tima Limit You can restrict the response time by enabling this feature. Response time for each question can be set in seconds.


Pin this question Pinning of questions helps in the tabular view in Loop Closure module. Beyond the default fields listed you can add additional fields to the tabular view that can be configured by enabling the Toggle On button for relevant questions.


Mark as Personally Identifiable Information This option can be enabled under the question settings which will mask the PII information in the responses given by the customers except the admin user who would be able to view the actual responses given by the customers.For instance; Name, Mobile, Email, Address etc are all treated as PII information. So if you want that certain sub-users should not be allowed to see the PII information that you can choose to mask such information from teh customer responses. Once you mask email will appear as or mobile number will appear as 94xxxxx51.

Different types of settings can you can select are:

For further details regarding the setup refer to Roles & Permissions under User Management Module



Smart Tags You can request for Smart Tags for relevant questions. These tags act as smart filters in the dashboard.


When to ask (Date and Time) There could be campaign related questions in surveys which are to be asked between few hours/for few days. For e.g.: If as a brand you want to know theme preferences of your customers for Halloween/Diwali or other festive seasons, then you can configure date and time between which the questions will be visible, the question won’t be visible beyond the end date. You can configure ‘When to Ask’ such questions.


Other Languages Text - Question Here you can configure the question text for other languages.


Other Languages Text - Answer/Legends This is where you can configure the text in other languages for Answer/Legends i.e. Start Label and End Label.


Other Languages Text - Disclaimer Here you can configure the Disclaimer text in other languages.


API Pre-filling The prefill value gets filled up automatically using API endpoint by staff may have a different value set across different questionnaires sharing this question. You can change this setting across all questionnaires. API Pre-fill URL can be edited across all questionnaires


Question ID This is a unique identifier for each the questions across all questionnaires in the account provided they are not cloned questions. Question ID is visible in the bottom right hand side of the screen. It’s a system generated number 24 digit alphanumeric number.

Group Name If the question belongs to a group then that group name ID is shown here.


Display Logic

Display Logic is when you want a question to dynamically get displayed based on the previous questions responses i.e. questions that have dependencies on answers of prior questions E.g: If the answer for question 1 is ‘Yes’, then show question 2

Click on ‘Display Logic’


Select the dependent question. Dependencies can be created on ‘Multi Choice Questions’, ‘Scale Questions’, ‘Single Line and User Comments questions only


If the condition isn’t met, the question will be skipped. Multiple conditions can be created based on ‘and/or’ functionality as shown.


The ordering of questions is important here as dependencies can only be created on previous questions and not on subsequent questions. For instance; in the below example the ‘User Comments’ question will only be asked to those customers who respond to NPS question with a Detractor score (0 to 6) or a Passive score (7 & 8) AND who reply ‘Yes’ for ‘Are you having trouble finding anything on Website?’ question as shown below.

Multiple Condition Blocks can be added as needed. The Display Logic Summary based the conditions will show in the right hand side as shown in the screenshot below. Once all the configurations are done press ‘Done’.


This way you can ask pertinent questions to only specific set of customers depending on their responses rather then having all customers have to answer all questions and have a lengthy survey.

Conditional Question Text

Change the question text and ask this question in a different way based on a condition i.e. customer response. If this condition is not met, this question will be displayed using the default text. For example: The survey questionnaire has an NPS question and a follow-up User Comments question. You can configure this questionnaire in such a way that if a customer gives you a Detractor or Passive score in the NPS question then you can apply conditional text on the follow-up user comments question to ask;‘What can we do to improve your experience?' but if the customer gives you a Promoter score then the same follow-up question can be asked; Awesome, thank you! Please share with us what did we do better as shown below.

To set up, click on the ‘Conditional Text’ as shown


Define the conditions or condition blocks as needed. Type the conditional question text which should be displayed if the condition is met and press ‘Save’


To add other languages click on the ‘Add Language’ icon as shown and add the other languages. Press ‘Update’. You can add and edit the existing conditional question text as well as shown in the screenshot below.


Once the conditional question text is set and saved press ‘Done’


Group Questions

Different questions which add up to a category can be grouped under one Main Question (Master question header). They can render one by one on the screen or all in one screen depending on the allow page breaks settings for the respondent.Other languages can also be added in the group header. E.g.: Demographic Details:

To add a ‘Group’ header click on ‘Group’ as shown below.


Add the ‘New Group Title’ under ‘Create New Group & Title’ if you want to add the question under the new group header. But if you want to add the question to the existing group header then select ‘Add to existing group question’ from the dropdown selection. Click on the icon to add other languages as shown.


For example in the screen below all three Website attributes related scale questions are added under same Group Header ‘Please rate your satisfaction for below:’


If you want to remove the question from the group then click on ‘Edit/Remove Group’ as shown below


Click on ‘Remove from Group’ and press ‘Proceed’ as shown.


Retired questions

Retiring a question hides it in the survey and responses are no longer collected for this question. This will impact any display logic or conditional text based on this question. All the previously collected responses will be retained.

Retiring is used at times when a specific question in a questionnaire might not be relevant or might need to be replaced with another which is more relevant. When this needs to be done and the data needs to be retained, retiring a question is the ideal option. This will simply disable the question from the questionnaire, but data continues to be available for analysis.

To retire a question click on ‘Retire Question’ as shown.


Press ‘Retire’


To unretire press ‘Unretire Question’ as shown.


Delete Question

Deleting a question will impact all display logics, conditional texts, notifications, users, roles, and department’s restrictions based on this question. All past responses collected will be deleted. This action cannot be undone!

To delete a question click on ‘Delete Question’


Press ‘Delete’


Duplicate Question

You can also duplicate a question if you have similar questions in the survey questionnaires. For instance; if you wish to add 3 scale questions with similar legends related to website attributes like: Website Navigation, Website Look and Feel, Website Content Clarity then you can create one and duplicate the other two.

To duplicate a question click on ‘Duplicate’ as shown below. Type the Display name and change the Question Text.


Edit Settings For All Questionnaires

This feature is useful if you would like to edit existing cloned question but across all questionnaires. The question may have been set up differently across questionnaires that share this question but once you ‘Edit’ the changes made will override existing settings across all the questionnaires.

To edit click on ‘Edit’ as shown


Press ‘Edit for all Questionnaires’


Then you can choose from the ‘Mandatory Settings’ as to what edits you want to make to this question by selecting from the dropdown:


Custom Anchor Metric

You can also add a Custom Metric question if your organization has a specific requirement other then the standard anchor metric questions.

To add a custom metric click on ‘CX Metric’ select Custom Metric question.


Provide a short name to the custom metric question that will be used to identify the CX metric across the product.

Select the scale range i.e. ‘Scale Starts At and Scale Ends At’ from their dropdown. Then select the ‘Metric Type’ i.e. whether you need the ‘Scale with three categories’ or ‘Scale with two categories’. Give a name to the ‘Metric Boxes Breakup’, Category Name and Category Legend as shown below. You can also choose the desired color for each Metric Boxes Breakup.



You can also edit the custom metric question. Editing an existing CX metric range and breakup details may impact scores and calculations across Experience Management for responses already collected from customers. You can only have one custom metric question in the product apart from the standard anchor metric questions that are available in the product.

Preview a Questionnaire

-Questionnaire Preview & Views: Additionally, there are different Preview & View options available for the survey questionnaire.


The ‘Preview’ is a sneak peek of the survey. Click on preview at the top, run through the survey. If required, make changes to the flow/look and feel and before you make the survey live You may also view the preview by clicking on the preview button you see while hovering over the questionnaire name in questions landing page.


The ‘Preview with Prefills’ option will open options for entering the prefills which will help you to preview the survey questionnaire based on the conditional logics that are set using the prefills. You can select the prefill questions from the drop-down as shown below



Once you select the prefills press ‘Preview’ button at the buttom as shown below.


Builder View: This is the default questionnaire builder view where you can view the questionnaire flow in the middle pane of teh screen.


List View: List view simplifies the identification of question types, prefills (API/staff) and retired question. There is option to unhide the Prefills and Retired Questions using the toggle button in List view. It also shows the type of questions like scale, star, single select etc and shows which questions are staff prefill questions as shown below. You need to Switch to the ‘Builder view’ to add/delete/configure/edit.



Tree View: You can see the survey questionnaire configured in the form of a flow-chart as shown below.



Managing Questionnaires

Search: In the questionnaire screen you can type the keywords to search for a particular questionnaire as shown below. For e.g.: All Website related questionnaires can be searched in one go.


Preview: This is quick snapshot of the questionnaire survey flow without even have to open the questionnaire. Its like a quick preview directly from the questionnaire screen.


Rename: You can rename a particular questionnaire by clicking on the pencil icon as shown below.


Type the new name and press ‘Rename’ as shown below.


Delete: To delete a questionnaire simply click on the delete icon and confirm deletion. This action cannot be undone.


More Options: There are few more options available in the questionnaire screen like:

Click on the 3 dots to view these options as shown below.




You can choose the number of test response from the dropdown that you would like to generate. Minimum 100 and Maximum 1000 responses can be generated at a time.


Choose a Date Range for generating the test responses. The test responses will be generated randomly between the selected date range as shown below.


The advance options lets you Randomly generate the responses or Skew the responses for CX Metrics like for NPS: - Skew responses towards Promoters - Skew responses towards Passives - Skew responses towards Detractors


For CSAT you can Skew responses as below: - Skew responses towards Positive Responses - Skew responses towards Neutral Responses - Skew responses towards Negative Responses

Once you choose the desired selection press ‘Generate’



To duplicate a questionnaire click on ‘Duplicate Questionnaire’ as shown below. Type the name and press ‘Duplicate’.
