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Agent Burnout Management

Agent burnout is a very common problem in contact center with 76% agents having faced burnout and 33% facing severe burnout conditions. Burnout contributes to creating disengaged employees, who cost their employers up to 34% of budgeted annual salary. 63% are more likely to take sick leave and 2.6x likely to seek a new job. Burnout is responsible for 20% to 50% (or more) employee turnover, depending on the organization. In a contact center with 100 agents and an industry-standard 45% attrition rate, anywhere from $1.6M to $4.8M is spent EACH YEAR on turnover. Turns out, reducing attrition by only 5 percent can put anywhere from $176k to $600k back in company’s wallet.

Most companies solve this by helping hire and onboard new agents fast, we propose looking at the root cause of the issue and stop it from happening by reducing burnout. Early detection and proactive remediation of burnout is key to reducing turnover. This is challenging issue for companies to solve as agent burnout is that each case is unique. Some agents may experience a “slow burn,” with symptoms building over a period of time, and others may seem to “flame out” abruptly once they reach the tipping point. Agents may not be aware of the negative impacts on their performance that this can have, such as increased errors or lower productivity. Supervisors and co-workers may attribute the changes to a poor attitude or loss of motivation. The negative effects of burnout can increase significantly before anyone recognises or addresses the problem. An unaddressed burnout can increase the chance of developing severe conditions and agent churn. With the extended timeline for remote working and, subsequently, fewer in-person collaboration opportunities, the challenge for supervisors to spot these becomes even trickier.


Help contact centers improve employee satisfaction and performance by early detection of agent burnout and prescriptive actions to manage it.

Why Cisco?

Durable advantage firstly comes from being uniquely placed to have access to data sources that power the operating system of a contact center, such as the customer journey, agent desktop journey, forecasts, rosters, and routing, and being able to leverage this to offer performant capabilities with higher levels of accuracy and effectiveness. Secondly, empowered, tenured agents become best in class prized knowledge workers who work gigs on their terms, develop muscle memory for preferred tools, and advocate for platforms that empower them.



